-I have a headache.-
You should listen to the radio.
You should take an aspirin and rest.
-I have a stomachache.-
You should eat junk food.
You should drink some pepto-bismol.
-I have a sore throat.-
You should drink cold beverages.
You should drink some chamomile tea with honey and lemon.
-I have a toothache.-
You should eat a lot of candies.
You should go to the dentist.
-I have a cold.
You should see a doctor, drink lots of fluids, stay home and rest.
You shouldn't see a doctor, you must go to work.
-I have diarrhea.-
You should eat healthier and wash your hands frequently.
You shouldn't eat healthier, and don't worry about washing your hands constantly.
-I have a backache.-
You should go to the chiropractic.
You should carry heavy things.
2) Choose the correct option to complete the conversation.

Teacher.- Good morning, boys and girls.
Susan.- What's the matter teacher? Are you _______?
Teacher.- I feel ________. l have a _______
Ralph.- I don't feel well either. I have a ________
Michael.- I feel sick. My______ hurts.
Sophie.- Now I'm feeling sick too.
3) Write the correct word inside the box.
1.- A respiratory disorder characterized by sneezing, sore throat, coughing, etc.
2.- An illness characterized by frequent coughing.
3.- Scratchiness in the throat, painful and sensitive condition.
4.- A pain located in the head as over the eyes, at the temples or at the base of the skull.
5.- Severe abdominal pain caused by spasm.
6.- Abnormally high body temperature.
7.- Pain in the ear.
8.- A pain or discomfort in the region of the back or spine.
9.- Pain in or about a tooth.
10. Pain in the stomach or abdomen.
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