четверг, 9 апреля 2020 г.

Sport. 5th grades. 09/04/2020

Unit 6 Sport
Irregular verbs

1) Workbook
Ex 3 p 69 - read and translate

2) https://myenglishlab.pearson-intl.com

3) Make the same table in your vocabulary

Copy  and translate this table

Learn these irregular verbs

break /breɪk / 
broke /brəʊk/
broken /'brəʊkən/
bring /brɪŋ/
brought /brɔ:t/
brought /brɔ:t/
build /bɪld/
built /bɪlt/
built /bɪlt/
burn /bɜ:rn/
burn /bɜ:rn/
burnt /bɜ:rnt/
burned /bɜ:rnd/
burnt /bɜ:rnt/
burned /bɜ:rnd/

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