среда, 16 декабря 2015 г.


London is not only the capital of the most important English-speaking country. It’s also one of the largest and most beautiful cities in the world. The population of London at the moment is more than 8 million people. Besides, London is inhabited by people of almost all nationalities and races. The city lies on both banks of river Thames. The most important parts of London are: the City, the East End, the West end and Westminster. The busiest part is, of course, the City. The West End is traditionally inhabited by rich people. Almost all the city theaters, museums, galleries, shops and restaurants are situated in West End area. East End is the place where working class lives. Westminster area contains many sightseeing buildings. London is full of places of interest. When tourists arrive there, they want to see the Piccadilly Street, which is especially beautiful at night, the Baker Street, the place where Sherlock Holmes lived and worked, the Tower, which is famous as home of the Crown Jewels, the Hyde Park, the Museum of Madame Tussauds and many others. One of the favourite tourist attractions is London Eye.

Dictation 7-F

My Household Duties
I live with my mother and father. I like to help them. Doing household chores is a part of our life. Everybody is happy when the home is always clean. At the present I go to school, so I'm very busy on weekdays. Because of this, I can't help in the house as often as my parents wish. However, I do my best to find the time to clean the  house.
I sweep the floor, tidy my room, clean the shoes, dust the furniture, make food myself and do every kind of work I do most of the washing up, tidy up my room and make my bed.
Every morning I get up, make my bed and go to the bathroom. I wash my face, then  brush my teeth and go to have breakfast. After breakfast, I always wash the dishes after me and my family, because my mom and dad go for work before me. They have no time to wash the dishes.
Every day I dust and vacuum. Sometimes in the evening we go shopping together with dad.
From time to time, I help my mom to wash, iron and do spring cleaning. On the weekend I rest, meet friends, play in the yard and in the park.